Due to the recent pandemic, on-site worship has been temporarily discontinued.
When did the church begin?
KEC was started in 2007 with five families. Our Sunday regular attendance is about 500. (including adults and children)
Why do you gather at a public school on Sunday?
Since January 2007, we have been gathering for Sunday worship at Richmond Secondary School, which is centrally located at the city of Richmond. During the week, most of our actions take place at Koinonia Ministry Centre (KMC). Besides providing office space for the staff team, Koinonia Centre is also the location for team meetings, ministry trainings, Bible classes, and other outreach workshops for the community.
What does “Koinonia” mean?
“Koinonia” is a Greek word, which occurs twenty times in the Bible. The primary meaning of the word is fellowship, sharing in common and communion. The first occurrence of “koinonia” is Acts 2:42: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” “Koinonia” represents our conviction that God is eager to build loving relationship with us.
What denomination is KEC?
KEC is a church of biblical and evangelical faith, and is recognized and accepted by all major Christian denominations in Greater Vancouver.
What are your regular weekly activities?
Sunday morning is the highlight of our week. We get together at Richmond Secondary School at
10:00am for the following: English Worship (adult), Youth Worship (Youth), Karpos (children worship - Pre-k, K, Elementary).
11:30am for the following: Cantonese Worship (adult), Karpos (children worship)
Every Friday and Saturday evening, we gather at Koinonia Ministry Centre for Adult small groups and youth small groups.
Christian education courses (Ignite) are also offered regularly on Saturday mornings and Monday evenings at the Koinonia Centre.
Other KEC activities include: family outreach workshops, support group for full-time mothers, caring and worship ministry at the local hospice.
Do you have any fellowship activities?
KEC is a church of small groups. Besides Sunday worship, we also gather weekly in small groups according to stages of life. Small groups at KEC are called “Oikos” (Greek word for family). Currently, there are seventeen Oikos, including small groups for students, young adults, young families, and adults.
Characteristics of Oikos:
The content of all Oikos are unified around the Sunday messages.
All Oikos share the same core values: to grow, to share, to multiply, and to pray.
In order to build up the relationship among group members, all Oikos meet weekly.
In order to connect KEC members from different groups, Oikos are reshuffled every one to two years.
In order to build up a safe and trusting environment, all Oikos are “closed” small groups. Members are assigned into particular small groups by the pastoral team.
In order to ensure safety and stability, regular attendance is expected from all Oikos members.
Do you have any regular programs for children?
Karpos is our children ministry and currently we have two sessions of children program (9:45am and 11:30am) on every Sunday. It is opened for children ages 3 to 10 (a toddler class for children 18 months to 3 is also available at 11:30am). All guests are encouraged to register online or to be at the front foyer 15 minutes before the program start to register your child.
Do you have any fellowship for youth?
Besides Youth Worship for Grade 6-9 on Sunday, High School Oikos (Grade 8-10) also meets every Friday 7:45-9:30pm at Richmond Christian School (elementary campus). College Oikos (Grade 11+) meets every other Saturday at Richmond Christian School (elementary campus) or Koinonia Ministry Centre. College and high school students (grade 8 to college) who seeks spiritual growth and companionship will join one of these tracks. Together they will deepen their faith and learn important skills to face life’s challenges.
Where does your financial support come from?
Our main source of income is from the weekly offering of the congregation.
Will my offering at KEC qualified for official donation receipts?
Yes. KEC is a registered Canadian charity. Official donation receipts are issued annually in February. Please contact us to obtain a KEC Offering Number.
Besides cash offering, do you accept stock offering?
Yes. Please contact our finance team for details at finance@koinoniachurch.ca
Besides offering during Sunday worship, is there any other method of donation?
You can also donate online through Paypal at http://www.kpost.ca/offering
How does KEC ministry operate?
Besides the pastoral team, our overall ministry is a partnership of ministry teams composed of brothers and sisters with different gifts. Currently, there are fifteen ministry teams at KEC:
Church Council: responsible for the organizational development of KEC
Pastoral Team: pastoring and the overall spiritual leadership
Music Team: development of worship and music ministry
Site Team: venue preparation and management
Audio Team: development and operation of audiovisual technology
Hospitality Team: greeting and ushering during Sunday service
Parking Team: traffic control and parking management
Finance Team: church budget and financial management
Presentation Team: production and operation of visual presentations
Karpos Children Ministry: pastoral ministry among children
Youth Ministry: pastoral ministry among youth
Connect Team: greeting, caring, communication
Admin Team: guest registration and information management
Video Production: media production and live recording at Sunday worship
Who is leading the church?
The leadership of the church consists of two components. The pastoral team is responsible for the spiritual leadership and pastoral care of the church. Deacons are responsible for the administration and supervision. KEC Church Council is composed of deacons and pastors. Besides deacons and pastors, leadership at KEC also includes ministry team leaders and Oikos leaders.
Who are in your staff team?
Pastoral Staff
Lead Pastor: Rev. Joshua Chow
Teaching Pastor: Rev. Wilbur Fong
Associate Pastor (Youth & Children Ministry): Pastor Ava Lee
Associate Pastor (Worship Ministry): Pastor Carson Li
Assistant Pastor: Pastor Sherrien Sze
Assistant Pastor (Operations): Pastor Gabriel Chan
Assistant Pastor: Pastor Canaan Ee
Administrator: Winnie Fong
Music Ministry Director: Elaine Leung
Youth & Children Ministry Director: Fizianna Kwan
Graphic Designer: Gian Yeung
Media Production Associate: Kent Yuen
Youth Ministry Coordinator: Priscilla Chan
How are deacons selected?
The deacons at KEC is appointed by the pastoral team, with the confirmation of the church council, and the endorsement of KEC members at the annual membership meeting.
How can I serve in the ministry teams?
Please submit your application online or at the Connect Table after Sunday service. Please note that the application requirement might be different among ministry teams.
How can I find out more information about KEC?
Subscribing our email newsletter
Visit our church website
Like our Facebook
Follow our Instagram
What is the contact information of church office?
Koinonia Ministry Centre
Unit 150, 13775 Commerce Parkway, Richmond, BC V6V 2V4
Phone: 604.214.8243 Ext. 1
Email: info@koinoniachurch.ca